Pokémon Shrouded Fable!
Get ready for the latest Poison and Dark type Pokémon
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Let's get straight into it and cover all the need to know in Pokemon Shrouded Fable with the Dark and Poison types coming out in the latest Pokémon set. This will be a big one for the players and collectors but here I will detail the cool cards to play in your local event!
This set is all about Fezandipiti and the Loyal 3:
Check out the amazing abilities! Fezandipiti ex for draw support, Munkidori ex helping out with prize card control, Pecharunt ex with switching your active Pokémon and making it poisoned (which will actually be helpful in a lot of special condition decks, think Klawf and Conkludurr) but also helps out Okidogi ex which then does 260 damage when Poisoned!!
Now on to the poison support, the newest one binding Mochi to do extra attack damage (so a poisoned Okidogi ex does 300 attack damage now?!!!) Janine's Secret Art looks for dark energy and attaches it to your dark Pokémon, but if it is the active Pokémon, voila - poisoned! And continuing on Radiant H. Sneasler and Perilous Jungle adding damage counters along the way - looking forward to more on the horizon!
Now, this is going to be my new favourite Stadium! And I couldn't think who better to pair it with than Magcargo ex. Our latest stadium will let you put a card from your hand, to on top of the deck. Now this could be good for Metang's Metal Maker ability, or Electric generator to guarantee you'll get and energy to attach to your Pokémon.
But here I demonstrate this with an unloved card that needs some show time! Magcargo does 140+ damage with it most expensive attack, which does discard the card off each players deck, if an energy, the attack does 140 more damage. So we got Team Star Grunt in Scarlet and Violet base set to get a energy onto our opponents deck, now we have one to get an energy onto ours! (that's not another supporter)
There will be other shenanigans with arc phone + chancy from 151 and hope I will see more in the weeks to come!
Last gaming snapshot - I'm not going to go over the ace-spec cards other to say the stadium Neutralization Zone is great for single prize decks. What I want to touch on is some bad-ass cards who are going to take all the prizes and make your opponent work harder!
Starting off with Xerosics Machinations, goodbye big hand sizes (looking at you control decks and tinkaton), discarding to 3 cards! Not shuffling, discarding those cards. In sets to come, this card is going to be nasty!
Kyurem - aka the lost box killer - this could be the end of an era for lost box, 110 damage to 3 Pokémon, yeah, not great for the wee comfeys!
Genesect - with the ability ACE nullifier, keeping those pesky ACE SPEC cards in check! Another one for your opponent to navigate around.
And finally my last mention is Haxorus, for those using special energy lookout! Insta-knock for one energy.
Well if you got this far thanks for reading my rambles on Shrouded Fable, hope you all have a brilliant time building decks and I will see you on the battle grounds!
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