Magic: The Gathering x Final Fantasy Commander Deck First Look

Magic The Gathering

MTG x Final Fantasy releases at Hobby Lords on June 6th.

Magic: The Gathering x Final Fantasy Commander Deck First Look

Even though we are still a few months away from the release of Magic the Gathering’s Final Fantasy set, WotC have blessed us with some exciting reveals over the last couple of days. Let’s take a look at the Commander Decks announced for MTG x Final Fantasy!

MTG x Final Fantasy Commander Decks
MTG x Final Fantasy Commander Decks

"Now is the time to shape your stories. Your fate is in your hands.” Auron - Final Fantasy X

Magic the Gathering Final Fantasy - Terra, Herald of Hope
Magic the Gathering Final Fantasy - Terra, Herald of Hope

Starting with Final Fantasy 6 we have Terra, Herald of Hope as the face Commander of this deck, named Revival Trance. As the lead Heroine of FFVI it makes sense that she would be the one to lead this deck. With self-mill and graveyard return mechanics in a Mardu coloured deck, this deck is sure to bring fast action and real “teamwork” focused gameplay within your own board, ensuring you’re reviving your fallen teammates.

Magic the Gathering Final Fantasy - Cloud, Ex-SOLDIER
Magic the Gathering Final Fantasy - Cloud, Ex-SOLDIER

Next up for Final Fantasy 7 we have Cloud, Ex-SOLDIER fronting the Limit Break Commander Deck. This Naya deck seems to want fast gameplay, with Cloud having Haste and allowing you to attach equipment straight to him when he enters - alongside his quick card draw based on how many creatures are equipped when he attacks, and his ability to make fast mana in the form of treasure tokens when he has a power of 7 or higher.

Magic the Gathering Final Fantasy - Tidus, Yuna's Guardian
Magic the Gathering Final Fantasy - Tidus, Yuna's Guardian

The Final Fantasy 10 deck is helmed by Tidus, Yuna’s Guardian and named Counter Blitz, a nod to the FF Minigame Blitzball. This Commander follows the same ruleset of Blitzball - his abilities allowing you to put counters on your creatures and “pass” them around! I love the fun energy of this deck and can’t wait to see it in action, it feels very true to the Bant colour family.

Magic the Gathering Final Fantasy - Y'shtola, Night's Blessed
Magic the Gathering Final Fantasy - Y'shtola, Night's Blessed

Last but not least we have Y’shtola, Night’s Blessed representing Final Fantasy 14. Players may recognise her as the Scion representative in Limsa Lominsa, with the deck being aptly named Scions & Spellcraft. This Esper Deck seems to take more of a control approach, and has some nasty life drain abilities allowing you to hit your opponents without attacking them while boosting your own life and drawing cards.


These decks will be released in both Standard and Collector Editions, meaning whether you’re wanting to have the fanciest deck at the table or you just love the mechanics the deck brings, there’s an option for everyone. MTG x Final Fantasy releases at Hobby Lords on June 6th.


Emma McDonald

Chocobo Lover & Head of Marketing

Hobby Lords

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Magic The Gathering

Magic: The Gathering x Final Fantasy Commander Deck First Look

MTG x Final Fantasy releases at Hobby Lords on June 6th.


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